But does it land? Again and again and again for the duration of a whole game? Er, yes and no.

He fears that his Average Human Family will realize what he really is despite the overwhelming subtlety of his disguise and. He's a determined hero, but also a timid one. Not even the opening credits to his own game! He just keeps on tripping, slipping, and, um, breakdancing until all obstacles are naught but gum on his foot cups. Not boxes, not scientists, not aquarium exhibits, not colossal sea-themed jungle gyms, not mad scientists, and definitely not banana peels. He's silly yet stern when it's called for, and he doesn't let anything get in the way of him and the needs of his family. Lord knows he's better at the whole parenting thing than my non-Octo-dad.

But is his flailing, frequently failing return worth the wait? Can what basically amounts to a single joke sustain an entire game for hours? Or does this version of Octodad slip on a banana peel, ruin its immaculate suit, and disappoint not only its own adorable children, but also all the adorable children in the world? Here's wot I think. So here we are in 2014, and the second coming of the heart-stealing, identity-thieving octo-man/myth/legend is upon us. We first spent a whopping zero (s)quid on the original freeware version back in 2010, And Octodad 2, as it was known back in ye olde pre-Double-Fine-Adventure days, took Kickstarter by (relative) storm in 2011. Octodad: Dadliest Catch has been a long time in coming.